492 E 13th Ave #208 Eugene, OR

(503) 470-0069 hello@eugeneofficiant.com

Remote-in Minister Wedding


Our ministers have the capability to legally officiate your wedding ceremony by remote video cam.  This service accommodates a variety of unusual or necessary situations which would make having the minster there in person either impossible or very difficult.

We offer an easy and simple service with a beautifully pre-written ceremony script, to accommodate special extenuating circumstances such as this time we must be careful to limit the spread of the Virus or other such illnesses, for such situations as jail weddings, extreme sports, or persons/couples overseas.

All of the ceremony packages we offer are video cam optional, although this particular service is curtailed to accommodate the above conditions.

The signing of legal paperwork legitimizing your marriage will be handled in a timely manner via expedited mail delivery methods; additional expedited mail delivery fees may vary.

Our ministers have the capability to legally officiate your wedding ceremony by remote live video.  This service accommodates a variety of unusual or necessary situations which would make having the minster there in person either impossible or very difficult.

We offer an easy and simple service with a beautifully pre-written ceremony script, to accommodate special extenuating circumstances such as this time we must be careful to limit the spread of the Virus or other such illnesses, along with other situations such as jail weddings, extreme sports, or persons/couples overseas.  All you would need is your two witnesses, appointing one of them to hold & manage the live video cam device or App; check with your chosen officiant to coordinate which App will work best for you to share.

The signing of legal paperwork legitimizing your marriage will be handled in a timely manner.  We will sign your legal documents directly following the ceremony.  First we will walk you and your witnesses through what you need to do to sign your documents, then you’ll immediately mail them to your officiant; if you’re local in proximity to your officiant, the mail should take a day or two to get there.  If you’re at a distance, then you may need to expedite the mail service via expedited mail delivery methods. As soon as your officiant receives the documents, they will complete filling out their required portion, then will immediately mail the completed paperwork to the court house and mail back to you the decorative certificate.  US Mailing fees may vary depending upon postal rates; additional expenses on behalf of the officiant regarding expedited mail delivery for the officiant will need to be paid by you.

All of the ceremony packages we offer are video cam optional, although this particular service is curtailed to accommodate the above conditions.

NOTE:  Please check to make sure that the state in which your ceremony will take place accepts Zoom weddings as a legal service.  Since the pandemic, more states are accepting Zoom weddings as a legal service, although not all are up to speed yet.