492 E 13th Ave #208 Eugene, OR

(503) 470-0069 hello@eugeneofficiant.com

Customized Altars


We custom build sacred Altars for your special ceremony!

Once we understand the intention and your desires, we bring beautiful our beautiful array of items along with any personal items you wish to include, and we build a unique sacred Altar for you.

We will create a uniquely personal and customized sacred Altar for your ceremony.  We supply unique Altar components, that include such items as an array of crystals, candles, flowers and vases, statues, bells, sage and so much more, and integrate any personal items of yours as desired, to create an Altar that reflects your beliefs and values.  You will always have the the final approval of how it looks.

Together we will create a uniquely personal and customized sacred Altar through of helping spirits.

This is done through journey work, as we bring forth information for you regarding specific items along with the details on how each item is significant in its healing aspect for you, so that you can collect them for your Altar, such as crystals, candles, flowers and vases, statues, bells, sage and more.

With your personal items, we will create an Altar that will be powerful healing tools for both you and your home.

Note:  If additional items are necessary to build your Altar beyond what we have in our collection, we will require that expense to be covered by you, this includes fresh flowers; you will own those items which you purchase.

Ask your chosen officiant about this service.