492 E 13th Ave #208 Eugene, OR

(503) 470-0069 hello@eugeneofficiant.com

All About Rituals & Customs

Weave Ritual into ceremony!

Horn Mead Drinking Ritual
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Balloon Releasing Ritual
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Fire - Burning & Releasing Rituals
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Blade & Chalice Ritual
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Shamanic Invocation
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Sage & Medicine Plants
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Ring Blessing Ritual
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Weaving Rituals of All Kinds into ceremony!  Performing any ritual you choose, such as Apple Star, Handfasting, Ring Blessing, Candle Lighting, Sand, Shamanic Invoking of the Directions, Sword & Chalice, Mead & Horn, Fire Burning & Releasing, Jumping the Broom, Medicine Plants & more!

Please read articles & learn more about most of the rituals we offer by clicking the, “Read Article or Learn More,” buttons located to the left on each slide picture.

Discuss Ritual options with your chosen officiant.

We can pull rituals from any culture or time period. Or help us to create new ones!                    Zodiac Sign Gemstone Color Coding Chart 

Ribbon Color Coding Symbolism Chart

Sand & Candle Color Coding Chart

International Traditions

~Rituals flow to create a complete ceremony; view examples~

We can provide many variations on any and all rituals, pulling from all religions, spiritual beliefs, history and cultures

Poetic Reading, "True Love"

True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally,
And none can dim its special glow
Or change its destiny.
True love speaks in tender tones
And hears with gentle ear,
True love conquers fear.
True love makes no harsh demands
It neither rules nor binds,
And, true love holds with gentle hands
The hearts that it entwines.

– Author Unknown

Candle Lighting Ritual

Fire is one of the basic elements of earth.  Many ancient people worshiped it as the source of life itself.  Throughout history, many different societies have used candle lighting to celebrate and acknowledge special holidays and events.

For us, the light of these candles represents the foundation and its fragility.

These three candles represent each one of you and your marriage.  

Your individual selves will remain burning and bright even as you become unified in your lives together.

Let the lighting of these candles reflect our thoughts on this day.

Prior to this moment, you each walked on separate paths. 

Now as you light your candle, you embark on a marital partnership – a single path together.

(Minister ignites the sage/sweet grass from the lit candle, and lightly smudges the couple and wedding party).

Ring Exchange & Blessing Ritual

“Please place your hands palms up, cradle your partner’s hands.”

Blessing of the Hands by Unknown

These are the hands of your partner, young and strong and full of love, holding your hands as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future. These are the hands that will hold you and comfort you in grief and uncertainty. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes, tears of sorrow and joy. These are the hands that will hold your family as one. These are the hands that will give you strength. And these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

May I have the rings please?

Minister – May I have the rings please? Ring bearer brings Minister the rings.

Minister picks up the two rings and sprinkles them with sea salt and says: 

“May the energies of Earth bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

Minister passes the rings through the smoke of the sage and says

“May the energies of the Air bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

Minister passes the rings through the flame of the candle and says: 

“May the energies of the Fire bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

Minister dips the rings into the water as she says: 

“May the energies of the Water bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

(Minister holds the rings up)

“Blessed and consecrated, these rings are the sacred symbol of your union.

“May you both wear them with love, honor, and respect for one another.”
These rings, by their shapes, are symbols of eternity, without beginning or end, and they are true emblems of the endless spiritual love that links you now, spirit to spirit and soul to soul.


Bride, take Groom’s ring and repeat after me:  

Groom, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love, and as a constant reminder that I have chosen you, above all others to be the one to share my life.  With this ring, I bestow upon thee, all the treasures of my heart, mind and body.

Groom, take Bride’s ring and repeat after me:  

Bride, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love, and as a constant reminder that I have chosen you, above all others to be the one to share my life.  With this ring, I bestow upon you, all the treasures of my heart, mind and body.

Pagan Handfasting Ritual

Would you both face each other and join your left and right hands to form a figure-eight, a symbol of eternity.”

With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be hand fasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers and your Ancestors who have passed on.”


Minister will now lightly tie the cloth ribbons or handfasting cords over the pair of joined hands to the sound of gentle acoustic music.

Minister #1 speaks as Minister #2 ties:Emma & Alder have chosen to invoke the energies of the colors of orange, red, gold, green and violet.  (Sacral, heart, crown, root).

Orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra.   It is also known to be the center of pleasure, sensuality and creativity.

Red is passion and love, the color red is the root chakra, symbolic of home, hearth, foundation, and grounding.

A bit of Gold weaves in unity of longevity & vitality of the relationship. It represents the solar plexus, the center of your personal power.

The color green is for health, growth & new beginnings, and is related to the heart chakra.  This colors your life with compassion & love.

The color violet embodies the Crown.  This is the color of royalty. This is the center for devotion and the connection to the Divine.

Sand Ceremony

(Need: Large empty vase, small jar of neutral colored sand for officiate, 3 smaller vases of each of sand one for each Bride, Groom & Daughter.

“Love is the eternal force of life. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. But although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are 3 separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other. Keep your commitment as primary. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. Grow sometimes together, sometimes separately. To symbolize the importance of the individuals within the marriage and the joining of your lives into one entity, three colors of sand will now be layered into a base. “

“We begin with a layer of neutral sand which symbolizes that your marriage and is grounded.” (Officiate pours all of their base neutral sand into large vase).

We have here sand gathered from both the East Coast, which Bride has brings to this union to symbolize the place where she has come from the color of …..symbolizing……., and Groom has gathered sand from his birth place on this West Coast the color of …..symbolizing……..  Daughter is a blend of both the East and the West Coast, as birth place was here in Oregon, she brings sand from…….the color of …..symbolizing…….blending together in this union. 

(As – Groom, Bride and Daughter each take turns placing sand into a large vase, so that the colors combine until their jars are empty – Groom pours some of his sand in, followed by Bride pouring about the same amount each, then Daughter pours about the same):

(Minister speaks as they pour):

“Then we layer the individual colors. This symbolizes that the marriage and family is based on the strength of each of you as an individual.  Combining the colors, symbolize your two separate lives joining as one together forever. “


Brooms are used for cleaning and sweeping, therefore they are used to symbolize the sweeping away the remnants of the past which no longer serves us is appropriate.  As the bride and groom jump, they are reminded that remaining vigilant over these aspects of the day to day shall help them to achieve the quality of life that they aspire to. 

The broom is laid down now putting the past behind you, and remembering always that the power to create the future ahead of you is your own, jump together into your common future!

The couple jumps, and kisses!

A complete elaborate Summer Solstice Handfasting ceremony, integrating multiple rituals.

Handfasting for one year & one day (mixture of simple handfasting & High Rite of handfasting)

Faery of the Flowers (Willow)

Faery of the Earth (Tlawil)

Maiden of the Water (Raven)

Priest of the Fire (Chase)

(Faery of the Air (Regina Anne, Faery of the East)

The Hearth symbolism – Broom carriers Terry and Tamara

Ring Bearer- Ben

Earth Altar made by Kaza & Nova

Rings made by Kenneth

Broom made by Thurman (Broommagic.com)

Altar preparation:  *Minister Lisa will provide sea salt, sage, river water and small goblet, candle. 

  1. Addy and Adrian will prepare a spot on the altar for the Ring Ceremony
  2. 5-pointed apple (star)
  3. Mead and Handfasting Ceremonies: Sage, candle, lighter, and sacred cloth.

Addy provides the shell, Chalice & Goblet

Blade from Regina & bubbles

Lisa ring ceremony supplies, singing bowl and dragon

Instrumental as guests arrive. Music stops @ 5, when the ceremony is set to begin


(Song change to upbeat Native American or other music.  Celtic harpist, Kelly & Jesse, Noah plays the flute.)

First Lisa & Adrian, then ring bearer Ben Rosen. Remainder of Handfasting/wedding Party, Chase, Tlawil, Raven and Regina Anne, and Willow (just before Addy spreading petals, start to walk up to the Altar.  Then Terry & Tamara with the broom comes at the end.  They prop the broom against the tree at the Altar, then take their seats nearby, only standing when it’s their time to do their parts.

As Raven & Marla are about ½ way around the outer parameter of the circle saging.

(Music Changes)

Flower Faery/ Willow walks first laying down flower petals all the way to the Altar for Addy to step on…
As Addy walks, then Addy walks following the path of petals.  She can be seated with the other guests. 

(note on saging:  please be sensitive that some guests may not like the smoke in their face, or may have sensitivities)  As both Willow and Addy are walking up the Isle, Raven & Marla continue to circle the parameter of the guests saging up to Altar and saging guests along the way as they approach the Altar.

Once at the Altar, without speaking using motions only, they offer it to the heavens…the Earth, then smudge Adrian & Addy immediately after Addy has joined Adrian at the Altar. 

Then they light the candle at the Altar igniting the sweet grass …. (no words, motions only) offering it to the heavens…to the Earth… Circle wedding party …. Then move from the Altar to circle the outer parameter of the guests and ultimately find their seats along with the rest of the guests.

(Music Stops)


We would like to welcome all of you, honored guests, and thank you for being with us today.

This Ceremony has begun with a candle lighting to symbolize the spark of life and union between these two magical lovers, with a smudging ritual with medicine plants & Sweet grass for attracting positive energies, for clearing, purifying, and inviting blessings.

“To support the atmosphere of holding sacred space…our beloved Ben

will guide us through a short body centered meditation”

(Ben) (Begins with the sound of the Gong)….Ben will lead us through a 5 minute qi gong practice to bring us into the present moment & align our energies.

“Moment after moment the emanation of the Absolute passes through everything that exists.

When we receive it, we are present”…

(Ends with the sound of the Gong)

Lisa (addressing guests): Take a moment to sense the tremendous

amount of love radiating throughout this beautiful.  We are here to not only bless Addy and Adrian in their union, but to honor and bless Jesse, Raven and their land.”

“As in many Native & Indigenous traditions, we will honor the seven directions…. The natural rhythm and circle of life, connecting to our core Essence, our wisdom, our light, our power…in Unity with the whole of Existence”


The wedding party joins them in a semi-circle around the altar.

(Lisa drums and rattles in the spirits)

Lisa speaks: “Please stand and face the directions as we call in the helping spirits.  We begin by directing our attention towards the East

(Wedding party faces the East first, followed by turning towards each consecutive direction, led by Lisa as she drums & rattles).

East: Spirits of the East, where the sun awakes, spirits of the air of which birds fly, and faeries float, join us in this unity celebration of man & woman.

Dragon (Miracles, magical power to help us manifest our visions, revealing the hidden treasures in the subconscious mind), Barn Owl (transformation, magick, Addy’s guide to the spirit realms), Eagle (clear, eagle eye vision of spirit, staying aligned with the path of spirit).

(as the word East is heard, Faery of the Air (Regina) offers bubbles to the air spirits, to flow on the wind).

South: Spirits of the South, keepers of the flame, spirit of the bear, join us as we rejoice in the passion between these two souls.  Give them a hearth of which to live. 

Pheonix (Rebirth, Transformation), Serpent (symbolic to the alchemical fire)

(as the word South is heard, Priest of the Fire (Chase) comes forth and motions Addy & Adrian towards the Altar to together in unity, lights a candle and incense to the spirits of the fire.)

Spirits of the West, of deep introspection and wisdom, land of the oceans, rivers and lakes, makers of the currents, where fish glide silently, join us now to make this water and make their love fluid and endless. 

West: White Tiger (Courage, integrity, passion), Dragonfly (Clarity, seeing through illusion)

(as the word West is heard, Maiden of the Water (Raven) offers the waters of ocean, stream and lake (pours it into a bowl on the Altar).

Spirits of the North, home of the mountains, forests and meadows.  Ancestor Spirits, spirit of the White Buffalo, join us to unite these children of the mother Earth in a lasting friendship. 

North: Turtle-Snake (Wisdom, Illumination), Deer (Path maker, Heart Medicine, Gentleness), Wolf (spiritual leadership, community/tribe/harmony/the pack)

(as the word North is heard, Tlawil will gather soil from Addy & Adrian’s home from the tree to bring to the altar)

(Honoring the East), Lisa speaks (Addressing Addy & Adrian):

Compassion, Purification, Letting go of the past, Courage, Creative Expression, Strong Will, Playfulness Adventure”

(Kenneth Drums (7 times) as (Regina Anne) retrieves the feather from the East, holds it up to Addy & Adrian before placing it on the Altar).

(Honoring the South), Lisa speaks (Addressing Addy & Adrian):

As fire clears the way for new growth, know that this power is yours, to create change and bring about the blessings that come with a true love for life.

Will you nurture your passion for each other and life, with a playful sense of adventure, compassion and creative expression?

Addy & Adrian answers: “We will”

(Kenneth Drums (7 times) as (Chase) retrieves the Dragon from the South, holds it up to Addy & Adrian before placing it on the Altar.

(Honoring the West), Lisa speaks addressing Addy & Adrian:

“Will you keep your wish for self-understanding alive? Each growing in your individualness, and will you each give yourself time away with friendships and interests that enhance your personal life in ways that also enliven and strengthen your togetherness?”

Addy & Adrian answers: “We will”

Lisa speaks:

Confidence, Emotions, Reflection, Cleansing, Releasing, Transformation.”

(Kenneth Drums (7 times) as (Raven) retrieves the Shell from the West, holds it up to Addy & Adrian before placing it on the Earth Altar.

Lisa: (looking up)

Spirit of Father Sky, Angelic Realm, the Cosmos, the countless stars of the night remind us that you are vast, beautiful, and majestic beyond all of our knowing or understanding. Your light shines upon us day and night.  We bless you and ask for your wisdom and blessing on this union.

(Kenneth Drums (7 times) as Lumin retrieves the battery operated candle from the archway made of branches that the candle can be placed under. 

Lisa (looking down)

Spirit of Mother Earth. Abundance from which all life emerges and is nourished.  You are the Beauty in All things. We bless you and ask for your wisdom and blessing on this union.

(Kenneth Drums  (7 times) as (Flower Faery, Willow will rise from her seat to retrieve the Boquet of Flowers from the Base of the Tree and holds it up to Addy & Adrian, before placing it on the Earth Altar.

Lisa places her (hand over heart)

Honoring our Sacred Selves, the Spirit of our souls within. Here we connect to the flow of creation…

our source of love from an Infinite fountain. Only when we are open to receive this love can we truly give and receive love from each other.

We are grateful for this gift of life and for the love that guides our way.

We open our hearts in Unity with All in Love.

(Kenneth Drums several times).

Lisa: “And So it Is!” Everyone in Circle repeats “And So it Is!”

Bridal Party moves to just outside of the pergola.

Exchange of Personal Vows:

Addy Speaks:
My sweet beloved Adrian, my one and only love, My King, & the one who sits at the center of my heart…
With all of my being, I choose you & only you, to unveil the depths of my soul to you,
to dance through oceans deep & heavens high.
I vow to keep my heart open to you, to water this love, and nourish our connection
I promise to choose to see and to feed the beauty within you, and when shadows arise, may we walk through them together with grace, hand by hand, heart by heart.
I vow to keep the passion alive and to co-create with you the things that live in our heart’s dreams
I vow to light you up, inspire you, to be your muse & support you highest embodiments & the creations of your goals.
I promise to remind you of your spirit, the sacred in you & your maginificence when you need it,
And to nurture you & hold you through life’s challenges.
I promise to always have a torch of faith lit for you, and for your mission. And alongside of supporting you on your path, I promise to do my best to stay wildly devoted to my own sacred path & mission.

I vow to be the best that I can for you, and for me, with devotion to my own alignment, clarity, empowerment, and to Love.

I promise to communicate with you openly as you do for me.

That we may enjoy the sweetest things together, sharing life’s pleasure’s in a multitude of ways

But to also openly work through troubles with great willingness, if they should arise, as our Love is worth it, and so are the qualities of character & strength of spirit that result.
I promise to nourish the childlike innocence and playfulness,
and to be silly with you as I love making you laugh.

I vow to grow and anchor in our beloved, shared archetypes:

The Healer, The Dancer, The Artist & to keep magick alive.
You are my priest and I am your priestess.
And may we also surrender into the realms of music together, & create ceremonies that inspire & help awaken the world.

I wish for our Love, Adoration & honor for one another to inspire others!
May we be bright lights that show what is possible through love & balance.

I vow to you my deep desire to keep our individual sovereignties grounded in, to remain whole within myself, all while fearlessly dancing in union & merging with you, deeper into our divine love story!

Adrian: Dear beautiful beloved Addy, gorgeous Priestess, you are the Divine Queen of my Heart, my greatest dream come true. Today on this sacred day of the Summer Solstice, our journey together into a new chapter begins. And with these lovely beings as our witnesses, I have the highest honor and privilege to make these vows to you….

I vow to devote my purest unconditional love to you, and only you, my Soul Beloved; as we walk side by side on the path of sacred Union. You and only you will receive the total depths and fullest scope of my Love. You and only you will hold the key to the inner chambers of my Heart, and bath in the endless fountains of love and passion I have for you.

I vow to do everything in my power to empower you, to uphold and uplift you for your greatest good. To generously give my resources that can help aid your growth in career, health, and spirituality. To be your support, your ally, and your stable rock whenever you need it.

I vow to be my best & whole self, free from co-dependent patterns, and instead striving to be the most mindful, compassionate, and supportive Beloved I can be; while also being deeply devoted to my work & path as well.

I vow to be truthful, honest, and loyal to you. To communicate with honesty, openness, and patience. And to embody compassion through all trials that may come.

I vow to nourish, water, and grow the gardens of our Union, so that we can fully benefit from the fruits of our love, and activate all the treasures we have for each other.

I promise to do everything I can to help us co-create together through art, music, dance, and ceremony, so that we can fully awaken the unique alchemy we share together and benefit the world with it.

I vow to hold the weights and responsibilities of life equally with you. To do my part & to lighten the burden of any of life’s challenges off of your shoulders. To carry you when you can no longer walk, to be a pillar you can hold on to, and to be your warmth from the coldness of the world.

I vow to Love you through all of life’s highs and lows. To be by your side and weather any storms that may come our way, and celebrate the sunny days too! I promise to remind you of your beauty, your greatness, your magick, and your majesty whenever you need it. To be your Sun and shine endless rays of eternal love for you and your life.

I vow to do my best to maintain the purity, strength, and integrity of our Love, so that we may be the purest vessels of Divine Union, so that our Love is in accordance with God’s plan, to inspire and uplift the world together.

Apple Star Ceremony (Priest Kenneth leads)

“Venus in her round through the heavens, describes a 5-pointed star.  Venus is the planet of love.  The apple is a symbol of love between Adam and Eve, man and woman. “

(The apple has been pre sliced on the altar in the form of a star with a special knife on a special plate) 

Kenneth shows the sliced apple to the guests by holding it up into the air, which he then hands to

Lisa: hands the slice to the groom, then the groom hands it to the bride.  Then Lisa takes the remainder apple and replaces it back onto the table.


The Pagan Handfasting Ceremony

Lisa: “Would you both face each other and join your left and right hands to form a figure-eight, a symbol of eternity.”

Kenneth: With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be hand fasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers and your Ancestors who have passed on.”


Lisa – May I have the rings please? (Ben) brings Lisa the rings.

Lisa picks up the two rings and sprinkles them with sea salt as she says: 

“May the energies of Earth bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

Lisa passes the rings through the smoke of the sage as she says: 

“May the energies of the Air bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

Lisa passes the rings through the flame of the candle as she says: 

“May the energies of the Fire bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

Lisa dips the rings into the water as she says: 

“May the energies of the Water bless and consecrate these sacred symbols of your union.”

(Lisa holds the rings up)

“Blessed and consecrated, these rings are the sacred symbol of your union.

“May you both wear them with love, honor, and respect for one another.”

Lisa: “These rings, by their shapes, are symbols of Eternity, without beginning or end, and are true emblems of the endless spiritual love that links you now, spirit-to-spirit and soul-to-soul.”

Addy, take Adrian’s ring…. and repeat after me:  

Adrian, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love……and as a constant reminder that I have chosen you, above all others……..to be the one to share my life…With this ring, I bestow upon thee, all the treasures of my body, heart and mind.

Adrian, take Addy’s ring…and repeat after me:  

Addy, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love…….and as a constant reminder that I have chosen you, above all others….to be the one to share my life. …With this ring, I bestow upon you, all the treasures of my body, heart and mind.


Kenneth Speaks In almost every culture, a chalice (he holds up the chalice for first the couple, then the guests to see) is the feminine symbol; round, protecting, inward, unifying, allowing change to occur from within.  It is a container, like the mother who holds the child in her womb.

The blade (he holds up the blade first to the couple, then for the guests to see) is a masculine symbol; linear, penetrating, targeted outside itself.  It is the hunter and the warrior.  Where the cup gives life, the blade takes life.  These are complementary roles, both part of the Great Wheel of Nature, and the eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth.  The blade and the cup demonstrate the balance of the masculine and feminine loving relationship.

Kenneth pours the mead into the drinking horns, and hands one to Adrian and one to Addy.

Kenneth makes a Toast with the Mead, then Adrian & Addy interlock arms & all 3 drink together.


 Lisa will now lightly tie the cloth ribbons or handfasting cords over the pair of joined hands to the sound of gentle acoustic music.

Kenneth speaks as Lisa ties:Addy & Adrian have chosen to invoke the energies of the colors of orange, red, gold, green and violet.  (Sacral, heart, crown, root).

Orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra.   It is also known to be the center of pleasure, sensuality and creativity.

Red is passion and love, the color red is the root chakra, symbolic of home, hearth, foundation, and grounding.

A bit of Gold weaves in unity of longevity & vitality of the relationship. It represents the solar plexus, the center of your personal power.

The color green is for health, growth & new beginnings, and is related to the heart chakra.  This colors your life with compassion & love.

The color violet embodies the Crown.  This is the color of royalty. This is the center for devotion and the connection to the Divine.   

Promises (Addressing Addy & Adrian):

Do you commit to devote yourselves to this Love and your autonomous & mutual growth for one year and one day? Do you promise to nourish your relationship, and make this love last as long as you can?
Addy and Adrian: we do

“Will you make conscious efforts to communicate often, connecting openly and honestly, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and goals with one another… strengthening your friendship and mutual support?  Addy & Adrian answers: “We will”

Will you continue to support each other in fulfilling your dreams, promising to empower one another & holding each other to your sacred work & mission here in this life, always combined with acceptance, compassion & loving playfulness.? “Addy & Adrian answers: “We will”


(Terry & Tamara fetch the broom and lay it down in place)

Brooms are used for both cleaning and sweeping, therefore they are used to symbolize the sweeping away the remnants of the past which no longer serves us is appropriate.  As the bride and groom jump, they are reminded that remaining vigilant over these aspects of the day to day shall help them to achieve the quality of life that they aspire to. 

The broom is laid down now putting the past behind you, and remembering always that the power to create the future ahead of you is your own, jump together into your common future!

The couple holds hands, jumps & kisses!

Kenneth unties the Handfasting Knots

Pronouncement (Lisa & Kenneth places hands over theirs)

Lisa: “Addy & Adrian, because of your choice to share a life agreeing to these handfasting commitments for one year & one day from this date with the vows made here today, and your mutual declaration of love, (pause and look out at guests) it is our happy privilege as ordained ministers to be the first to present to you, Addy & Adrian, … let us now celebrate the Union of these two Beloveds!”

As ceremonial party resides past the last row of guests, with Que – music change

Kenneth – “Addy & Adrian invite you to enjoy mead and food, as they will join you shortly following their photographic session. Drinks are located outside on the table with the food. ”

There will be Dancing to live music, “Fooble the Dragon night puppet show”, Dance performance and a Night time DJ set, so please stay as long as you can for all the festivities yet to come!