Meaning and Intention of Sand Rituals
Traditionally the blending of separate sand colors symbolize Unity between two or more individuals committing in becoming family through marriage. We have expanded this ceremony to be shared with significant primary family members in the blending of the entire primary family, especially when children are involved from the separate households into one. This not only creates a unity within the newly formed and committed marriage, but for all family members. Children especially have a need to feel included.
In this ceremony, each family member chooses the color from the color coding chart based on the meaning of the color. Plan ahead to locate or create colored sand for yourselves. This is an important process that starts the intention of the color and unified blending, especially if you source and color your own sands as a family unit, a fun activity.
Each ceremony script can be unique to consider your family and situation, which will be discovered through conversations with your officiant. In ceremony, each person pours sand from separate vessels into a unified, central one. It represents two or more people coming together in marriage, commitment and unity.