492 E 13th Ave #208 Eugene, OR

(503) 470-0069 hello@eugeneofficiant.com

Transition Guidance Support


As spiritual and Shamanic Healers, Massage Therapists, Funeral and Memorial Celebrants, we offer support in mapping the journey for the living and the dying. We offer support and services through the varying stages of the end of life time.

In an overwhelming impending death, people can be helped through the journey by working together to create a map of what lies ahead. We work together on this Transition Journey, and will include Shamanic components to create ceremonial elements for key points along the way. We can include hands-on healing in the form of massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Reflexo-Therapy of the feet, or Shamanic Healing and Shamanic Counseling, or any of the healing services we offer. A Transition Journey gives the structure and support that is lacking in our modern society, and is based on the values and beliefs of the transitioning person and their family. It can include help and consultation for a family-directed home funeral, especially in the case of children.

An end-of-life time can be an awakening of extra-ordinary experiences.

Working together, you will reclaim your power to be truly present in the moments during the transition between living and dying. We will make it as beautiful an experience as possible for everyone involved.

You Don’t Know What to Do

Someone you love is dying. It’s been a long road of caring for him or her, and now the terrain is changing. You see that it’s time to plan and sort things out, a time to make decisions.

Or, maybe it is you who is the one nearing the end of your physical existence and you need loving and caring guidance.

But you are tired and very sad. And you don’t know what to do, what’s right and what’s not, what’s legal, what is possible. You can’t begin to sort out what fits for your unique situation.

You don’t even want to think about it, even though it’s time and there’s no way around it.

You are Not Alone

You do not need to go through this journey alone. We can bring a great deal of clarity and comfort into this difficult situation. We’ll listen closely and together, we will figure this out.

We’ll come up with a map, with guideposts along the way. We’ll find all the places that feel treacherous or terrifying, and into those places we’ll find safety and support. We’ll use what matters most to you, with the kind of ceremony, ritual and guidance that fits. We’ll map this as far as it needs to go.

From Dying to Death and Beyond

We’ll take this a step at a time, starting right here and now. Remember, you are not alone.

We’ll figure out what will make this end of life as you know it, a good transition, and this death a Good Death, and how to make sure that happens as much as possible given the circumstances.

You will not walk alone across the Death Bridge. We will find and call upon the things that support and hold you – as you move closer to it, as you cross over, you on this side and your loved one on the other.

You may find it helpful to create a care circle of friends to help you through this time. And when it gets closer to what you feel your transition time may be, you may choose to host a celebration before you pass so your friends and family can enjoy you in the living verses after your passing. Or, you may wish to do both.

This death, which is inescapable, the transition and time leading up to your final last breath can become something beautiful. We can help to set you on a path of grieving knowing you brought light into a dark and scary place.

Sessions for this service are incremented each at 90 minutes.

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