492 E 13th Ave #208 Eugene, OR

(503) 470-0069 hello@eugeneofficiant.com

Self-Initiation Ceremony


Self-Initiation Ceremony

Self Initiation Planning Questionnaire

Custom designed for your situation, in this ritual you commit to marrying yourself.  Through ceremony and soul work, we help you connect to the deeper parts of yourself, unfolding your life’s purpose and paving your future.  We guide and ground through deep inner work to let your soul free to be, deepening the relationship with your healthy unique self.  Preparing your inner self, lays the groundwork of propelling forward to experience an optimal and unique life. This ritual raises your vibrations, and deepens not only the relationship with yourself, but with other people; a way to truly claim your genuine self and manifest a future with a partner, if that is right for you.

This is a loving ritual that you can do for yourself, of transformation, to proclaim what is truest in your heart and celebrate as you make it known that you are ready to live the fullest potential of your divinity, to fully embrace the life you are creating. This is a profound rite of passage of self empowerment for both men and women, in which a person commits to their own loving self. As we balance our own female and male energies, we become less hungry and can more easily share what is already present in us. We have to truly love, honor, commit, heal and care for our genuine selves, in order to be ready to attract the right partner. Make the commitment to honor and express the unique gifts you have been given of life, and embody the freedom to live authentically in alignment with your deepest and truest values.

Model: Elizabeth Gardiepy
Photography by: Casual Glamour

Self Initiation Planning Questionnaire

The Importance of Self-Initiation

More than half of the people in this country are single men and women, and many of them are parents. That means, only about less than half of the population is coupled. Success rates of stable relationships become higher when individuals merge together through a state of healthy awareness. A spiritual ceremony acknowledging devotion to one’s self is a loving act that not only serves the self, but all you relations. Ground and commit to yourself, to manifest a successful and enjoyable life with healthy long lasting loving relationships.  Through Self-Initiation gain awareness and realizations that will define and help you understand who you are on your unique life’s path, to prepare for a future partner, and connect with and raise your children to yours and their life’s fullest potential.

We are in long-term relationships with ourselves, our core life partnership, and the children we may have. Our path and journey is genuine and unique to each of us. We have been given the gift of life, and the abilities and resources to flourish on our path. It is up to us individually, to craft meaningful lives that are full of deep meaning and love. Make the decision to create a life that is truly outstanding, one that fills you with a zest for life and creativity, one that best honor you and fulfills your purpose in this life.  You have the inner wisdom, along with your helping spirits and guides that show you how to love yourself and live a genuine life.

Self-Initiation is a loving act of self compassion. When we develop genuine compassion and love for our most intimate selves, we begin to consciously create a better world!

The Self-Initiation Ceremony has four components:

1) Becoming your own lover, best friend, parent, child

2) Connecting with and committing to your deeper purpose

3) Uniting all the contradictory and conflicting aspects of yourself

4) Harmonizing your external relationships and circumstances

1) Be your own lover, best friend, parent, child

The practice of Self-Initiation opens you to your own wholeness.

You learn tools to cultivate deep inner love for yourself, nurture, and make your life content, exciting and spicy, so you can continue and enter into relationships with others from a place of fulfillment.  You learn tools to meet yourself in a new way and become truly intimate with yourself so you may already be full of gratitude and love before you even get out of bed in the morning.  When you know your own wholeness, you can interact with your children, friends, family, and spouse/lover already overflowing with love.  Instead of waiting until you are perfect or until you meet the right person, (who can never fulfill all your needs, anyways), to feel worthy of love, you come to love and accept yourself as you truly are.

2) Discovering your deeper purpose

In Initiation yourself, you commit to your deeper purpose—what you are here on this planet to do.  Self-Initiation is a process of self-discovery where you connect with what matters to you and commit to something that is greater than you—whatever it is that motivates and inspires all you are and all you do.  Through this initiation, you gain the freedom to live your life authentically, in alignment with your values.  When you are aware of and committed to your purpose, all voices of doubt and fear inspire you to look deeper and stay on track with your deepest dreams, rather than paralyzing and inhibiting you.  Self-Initiation helps you to live your life intentionally and build your life around what is important to you, rather than getting caught up in distractions and waking up one day to a life you would not consciously choose, or to a life that has gone by.

This process can bring about a spiritual name for you.  We do this in the Shamanic tradition.

3) Uniting all aspects of yourself

Each person is dynamic, complex, and full of layers, like an onion or a flower.  A key component of Self-Initiation is the recognition of this dynamic, multidimensional self—an identity that is always changing and that has many aspects.  This recognition fully allows each voice within you to be honored and heard, giving you the space to exist exactly as you are, in all your layers.  Through Self-Initiation, you create enough space in yourself to hold and respect the parts of you that have been rejected, repressed, or shamed, giving way to a newly connected and whole self.  You learn to welcome rather than deny all the experiences, emotions, memories, thoughts, and sensations of your body, bringing you into a deeper love of what it means to truly be alive.

4) Harmonizing external relationships and circumstances

Through focusing on self-love, the process of Self-Initiation both directly and indirectly works with the external factors of your life: the quality of your current and past relationships, your upbringing, your job, your physical health, and all the tragedies and fortunes of your life.  Self-Initiation recognizes that the state of your inner world is greatly influenced by the state of your outer world, and works with each individual background and context to create a more harmonious life.  This component of Self-Initiation bridges the gap between inner and outer peace, crafting a life where your self-love becomes reflected in the love of your external, daily life and relationships.

Self-Initiation is a ceremony, a daily practice, and a lifelong commitment to living a life of love, care, and compassion—a life worth living.  It is the promise to listen for and honor your deepest longings, to continuously choose a life that fits who you are, rather than letting who you are be dictated by mere circumstance.

Self-Initiation is a pathway to knowing yourself, loving yourself, healing yourself, loving your life, and being the change you wish to see in the world.  Through the depth of commitment to self-love and self-compassion.  Self-Initiation offers practical tools to create a world of inner peace and positive gratification.


Self-Initiation work is offered with a sense of service and helping you to transform into your fullest potential.  All proceeds go towards further sharing and supporting this work in the world, and towards supporting the vision of a world deeply fulfilled in love and peace through self-love and inner peace.

Note: These rates are based per hour.  If you require beyond that time, the rates will be adjusted to accommodate the time spent.

Private Self-Initiation Sessions based on per 2-4 hour, including preparation time.

Additional Travel rates are $50 per hour from ministers individual base location.

Contact your preferred minister